Sunday, January 27, 2013

Health For All...Eventually

Here, I present my first infographic. I think it speaks for itself. What do you think? (Click here for the full size.)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Call for Nominations - Society for Medical Anthropology Executive Board

Copied from the SMA Blog:

The Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA) is calling for nominations to fill the following positions on the SMA Executive Board:
  • Secretary (3-year term; 2013-2016)
  • Member at large (2 positions open) (3 year term; 2013-2016)
  • Student Representative (3 year term 2013-2016)
Nominees must be members of SMA. Terms begin at the SMA Board meeting at the American Anthropological Association meetings in November 2013.

To nominate someone (self nominations are welcome) please submit the following information electronically:
  • A statement from the nominator explaining why he/she chose to nominate this person
  • A CV for the nominee
  • Confirmation that the proposed nominee has agreed to stand for election if nominated by the nomination committee.
Nominations may be submitted to the chair of the Nominations Committee:

Diane Weiner, Masters Program in Medical Anthropology & Cross-Cultural Practice, Boston University,

These submissions should be submitted no later than January 28, 2013. For questions regarding the nominations procedures please contact Diane Weiner at