Last summer, I fell in love with Senegal while studying
French in Dakar and using that opportunity to research traditional medicine. At
the end of this week, I am returning to Dakar for five weeks of ethnographic research into men’s
reproductive health, behavior, and decision-making. Many of my questions are
related to how the construction of gender overlays healthcare and reproduction.
I also have a philosophical interest in parsing out the influences of Islamic,
ethnic (Wolof, Serer, etc.), and French epistemologies and ontologies.
Like last summer, I intend to blog about my research while I’m
there, except this time with more photos and probably some video too – stay tuned.
This would not be possible without the incredibly generous
support from following people (in a semi-particular order):
Willow Rosen
Dr. Barbara Hoffman
Dr. Mamadou Seck; Abib and Malick Seck
Dr. Deirdre Mageean
Dr. Rosemary Sutton
Rick Jr. and Sue Powis
Dr. Maggie Jackson and the Department of Anthropology
David Rosen
Richard Sr. and Mary Jo Powis
Thadd and Lisa Evans
Joseph and Mary Wargo
Mary Lou Johnstone
Brian Johnstone and Carleen Almasy
Jeff Johnstone
Rev. Walt and Charlene Powis
Faith Jones
Marietta Smrdel and Cynthia L. Werle
Sue Fout
Lois Bryan
Chris Kraska, Natalia Buchwald, and Sydney Stark